Friday, August 30, 2019

The Ilongot tribe or the Bugkalot stays in the southern Sierra Madre and Caraballo Mountains, just near to the provinces of Nueva Viscaya and Ecija. The tribe has been discovered by Spanish missionaries and soldiers in the early 17th century, and during World War II, fought during the Japanese occupation. Based on the tribe's origin as listed by Laurence Wilson in the mid-1940's, which told of brothers Cain and Abel being the ancestors of the Ilongot and lowlands, respectively. Abel's descendants of the lowlands are claimed by those of Cain's descent to be stronger than them. their unique culture is a result of their isolation and sparse connection with the outside world.

Practices of the Ilongot

In determining tribe leadership, they consult with oracles--priest or priestesses that act as a medium of communication with the gods. They practiced headhunting, which is based on the idea of "liget" or 'extreme anger', which they succumb to especially when a rival tribe has done them wrong, and is considered a male-only act. If a rival tribe murders a tribe member, his son is expected to avenge him.  If a tribe member has performed a successful headhunt, they are made to wear a headdress made of red woven fabric and the beak of a hornbill bird native to the area. 
They used to decapitate trespassers, but  today you can visit them without the expense of your head. 
Headhunting in their tribe is considered an acceptable means of restitution when there is discord between another tribe and theirs.

They actually have what can be considered as gender equality, since both the mother and father are expected to have a part in a child's upbringing. Headhunting is encouraged by the elders to the young of the tribe as some sort of "prerequisite" before settling into marriage. They are known to practice incest, preferably marrying their cousins, as reconciliation and the ease of agreements between both sides. Young girls are expected to have their teeth filed down to make it sharper and stronger, with or without their consent.

The location of the Ilongot Tribe

the Sierra Madre Mountain Range

the Caraballo Mountains

The Ilongot (numbering 50,786 in 1990) inhabit an 840-sqkm (325-sq-mi) area of rolling hills 0.3 m to 900 m above sea level in southern Nueva Vizcaya province at the point where the Cordillera Central through the Caraballo Range connects to the Sierra Madre running down Luzon's east coast; these lands are drained by the headwaters of the Cagayan. A group of modernized Ilongot live along Baler Bay. Christian Gaddang, Isinai, Tagalog, and Ilocanos have settled the surrounding lowlands
